Organic Spirulina – For Elderly

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Organic Spirulina has been around for a long time and there are stories that the Aztec Indians in South America already used it. Researchers also found that it was used in Africa around the year 900.
Spirulina is a one-cell organism and its official name is cyanobacteria.

This food supplement became very popular when NASA included it in the food that astronauts ate in their space program. Organic spirulina has a positive effect on metabolism and the immune system

Although all spirulina basically is organic there are places on this earth that are better equipped to grow spirulina.

What Is Organic Spirulina?

To start we have to tell what spirulina is and how it grows.
Organic spirulina is a blue and green alga that can be found in most lakes and ponds all over the world. One of the things that it needs to grow in, is an environment that is rich in organic minerals like:

  • Salt
  • Phosphorus
  • Nitrogen
  • Natrium

It also grows best in a sunny place with clean water and moderate temperatures.


Spirulina is also called a superfood and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.
It contains all the vitamins A through E and minerals like:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Anti-oxidants

About the iron in organic spirulina
Iron is an essential ingredient for the formation of red blood cells and as we know they are important for the transportation of oxygen in our body.

More Health Benefits Of Organic Spirulina

It is a powerhouse filled with protein and all 9 essential amino acids we need.

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

Essential amino acids or indispensable amino acids are ingredients that our body needs and can only be added to our food. The body itself is not able to produce it itself. That is why it is important to find the right food.

Booster Of Antioxidants

The antioxidant concentration of spirulina is four times as high as for blueberries. An antioxidant protects the cells in our body from being damaged by many free radicals and stays healthier.
The amino acids that we mentioned before help us to make optimal use of the minerals in the spirulina.

According to a study published in 2008 in the “International Journal of Integrative Biology” spirulina has a very positive effect on the liver and anti-oxidant effects.

What Does Organic Spirulina Taste Like?

Most people mention that the taste of spirulina is like a smoky flavor in combination with the normal taste of seaweed. The fact that it is not overwhelming makes it easy to blend in with our normal daily foods without losing the flavors we are used to.

How To Use Spirulina?

I would almost say that the only limitation is your imagination when it comes to finding ways to incorporate spirulina into your daily food.

With is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and protein it can be used in basically any food you eat every day. Here are some ideas and how much to use. Most tips recommend the use of one or two teaspoons as a healthy daily dose.

For the ones that like to make smoothies, it is very easy to add them to your mix. But you can sprinkle it on all the food you eat. For example, you can sprinkle it on your fruit like oranges or apples.

Why Are Some Areas Better For Growing Spirulina?

Like anything that grows there are places where the circumstances are optimum to grow the best crop.
Spirulina is no exception to that rule. A constant warm temperature is one of the requirements and that can be found in the more southern countries and in Asia.

As I wrote before the water needs to be clean and not contain contaminations. That is why it should not be grown next to agriculture or even a golf course. There are too many changes of chemicals or pesticides entering the water.

Problem is that the rules and regulations in countries like China do not have the same standard as we have in the United States. That is why it is important to do research on where spirulina comes from.

One of the places where high-quality spirulina is grown is Hawaii.

What To Look For Before Buying Organic Spirulina

It is always important to read the labels of any food you buy and the same goes for the label on the spirulina packages or even the manufacturer’s website.

The packaging can be done in a facility that also is used to pack other products and although I know from my experience in the food industry that there are high standard regulations, the change on cross-contamination always exists.

Be aware of warnings that the facility is also used to pack tree nuts, wheat, soy, and dairy products if you have an allergy to one of the products.

How To Store Spirulina

It is best to store your organic spirulina in a dry cool place and it can be kept for up to a year.
A refrigerator is a good place for many other superfood products.

What Values Does Spirulina Have

Every brand has its own percentages and that is why I can only give rough basic values. You should read the label of your brand for more exact information. These are some basic numbers.

A serving is usually about 1 Oz (this is about 28 grams) and contains about 80 calories, about 2 grams of fat, 4% vitamin A, 4% vitamin C, 3% Calcium, 40% Iron, and 40% protein. You should read your product for more in-depth information.

Spirulina Availability And What Is The Best

Organic spirulina is available in a variety of shapes.
There is organic spirulina in tablets, capsules, powder, and of course bulk packaging.
It all depends on you and your lifestyle. If you prefer to take a tablet or capsule every day or several times a day and that works for you then go that route.

If you like to use it in smoothies, juices, salads, and or any other food the bulk version might fit you better.
The best way to use it is in a way that fits into your daily routine and habits.
It is not easy to keep using it if you have to change your daily routine.

Although I am not really too happy with tablets or capsules because of the added material to make the capsule, there is no proof that is healthier or unhealthier in any way.

Spirulina and (grand)kids

We all know how hard it is to make a child o a grandchild eat something they do not like or think they do not like.
This means that we have to let them get used to the fact that spirulina is part of their daily food.

We can mix it in their favorite drink without them knowing because of the fact that spirulina is almost tasteless when used on other foods. Use it in the cereal in the morning. Sprinkle it on ice cream or chocolate syrup although the extra calories might take away the benefits of the spirulina.

If your grandkids are not having problems with taking a pill or tablet that is the easiest way because those are really tasteless. Compared to the powder that has a little fish taste.

Cons of Organic Spirulina

There is one know con of spirulina that in my opinion is used in the wrong way.
Spirulina can absorb heavy metals. But it can only do this in the water where it is harvested.
That is why it is important to buy it from a well know brands and respected sources.
The reason that it can be in spirulina is that there are also other algae in the same water.
Tests have shown that the concentration is very low

Can Spirulina Replace A Multivitamin

This question pops up a lot in forums and on other health-related websites and articles that write about organic Spirulina benefits.
The answer in my opinion and after doing some research on the subject is a simple NO.

Although spirulina contains a lot of vitamins it does not contain all the vitamins and minerals that come in a multivitamin. A multivitamin most of the time contains all the ingredients that come with a so-called RDA. Recommended daily allowance. Find a multivitamin with 100% or less of the RDA and preferably with a United States Pharmacopeia seal.

Where To Buy Spirulina And What Brands

This is always a tricky subject because many people have their favorite brand.
I have spent a lot of time online to discover the most sold and most looked-for brands.

Here is a link to the most popular organic spirulina pills on Amazon

Here is a link to the most popular organic spirulina powder on Amazon

Here is a link to the most popular organic spirulina tablets on Amazon.

Here is a link to the most popular organic spirulina capsules on Amazon.

If you feel like your experience with organic spirulina can add value to this article feel free to leave a comment or recommendation in the comment box.

Eddie Vandam

Eddie Vandam, the voice behind the Senior Citizen Website, is a retired internet marketer and proud senior. With a passion for helping fellow seniors navigate the complexities of aging, Eddie shares his insights on health, independence, products, and enriching hobbies. He’s committed to making senior years both fulfilling and enjoyable. Read more about Eddie Vandam.

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