When you start reading about coffee and the benefits and if it is good for you it is clear that there are many opinions about that subject.
There are however recent studies that show that coffee contains some essential nutrients.
Can coffee be more than just a beverage? Can it be considered a medicine maybe?
Benefits And Facts Of Drinking Coffee
Here are proven facts behind coffee and the benefits of drinking coffee for health
A single cup of coffee contains:
This contains 11% of our recommended daily Vitamin B2
Pantothenic acid
This contains 6% of our daily recommended daily Vitamin B5
Manganese and Potassium
This contains 3% of our recommended daily intake of these
Magnesium and Niacin
This Contains 2% of our recommended daily Vitamin B3.
This might not look like a lot, but you have to remember that most people drink more than one cup of coffee daily. “
Drinking more will add up these amounts quickly.
My Take!: I live in Kentucky and we drink a lot of iced tea here. That also contains caffeine.
Not as much as coffee since we drink it with ice but it still adds up.
Can Coffee Make You Happier?
In a study by Harvard University, they found that women who drank two more cups of coffee per day had a 20% less chance of becoming depressed.
It also showed in another study that they were 53% less likely to commit suicide.
Coffee in combination with a healthy attitude can make you happier.
Since coffee seems to reduce the risk of becoming depressed I think we can agree that coffee makes you happier.
Can Coffee Reduce The Risk Of Some Types Of Cancer?
In studies, it seems that coffee appears to be protective of liver cancer and colorectal cancer.
There was a study in which they followed 489.706 people and the result was that the ones who drank 4 or 5 cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower chance of colorectal cancer.
My Take: I think that coffee stimulates a bowel movement and this will help keep your colon clean.
Does Coffee Raise Blood Pressure?
It is known that it raised blood pressure but just in a very limited amount of 3-4 mm/Hg.
Most of the time this will go away if you drink coffee regularly.
Just keep it in mind if you have high blood pressure to check how it affects you and ask your doctor if you should drink coffee.
Can Coffee Prolong Your Life?
Considering that drinking coffee reduces the chance of many diseases I think this means that coffee in combination with eating the right food can help you live longer.
My only concern is that in some cases bad water quality when you read the bad facts about water in the media.
There was a very large study done that shows that people who drink coffee have a lower risk of death.
20% lower for men and 26% lower for women.
Is Coffee A Beverage Or A Medicine?
When you read all of these facts you might wonder if coffee might be a medicine and not just a beverage.
Antioxidants In Coffee Are Beneficial
Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants. The numbers show that people get more antioxidants from coffee than from fruit or vegetables.
Coffee And Alzheimer’s
Drinking coffee has been shown to lower the risk of getting Alzheimer’s by 65%.
Alzheimer’s has no cure up to now and can affect anyone, but it usually begins in people over the age of 65 years.
There are things you can do to prevent or slow it down from showing up.
Eat healthy, and exercise regularly and now it seems that drinking coffee can also be added to this list.
Coffee And Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the fastest growing health problems in the world and it is estimated to affect over 300 million people worldwide.
There was a study that showed that drinking coffee reduced the risk of diabetes significantly.
It shows that it reduces the chance of developing diabetes by 23 – 50 % and there was even one study that showed a 67% reduction.
Cutting out sugar as you can read in this article is always better of course.
My Take: In my opinion, this makes coffee one of the healthiest drinks we have.
I am a regular coffee drinker and love my cup of coffee in the morning to get my day started.
Coffee And Energy Drinks
If caffeine is the main ingredient in energy drinks then why is it better not to use energy drinks?
The caffeine in most energy drinks is synthetic and made in a laboratory and has nothing to do with the caffeine that comes from plants that we use in our coffee.
In the resource section below you can find links to all the articles I have used to write this post about the health benefits of drinking coffee.
Eddie Vandam
Eddie Vandam, the voice behind the Senior Citizen Website, is a retired internet marketer and proud senior. With a passion for helping fellow seniors navigate the complexities of aging, Eddie shares his insights on health, independence, products, and enriching hobbies. He’s committed to making senior years both fulfilling and enjoyable. Read more about Eddie Vandam.