As a senior myself, I’ve learned that there are plenty of reasons why seniors need to visit a lawyer.
The truth is that as you get older, you’re going to need more help than you used to need, and legal help is no exception. There things such as wills, Medicare/Medicaid claims, social security issues, nursing home issues, and much more.
It’s all part of what legal experts call “Elder Law”. Let’s take a look at why seniors would need to contact an elder law specialist, and what different fields that they tackle.
Why an elder attorney?
Elder law attorneys have a few things that distinguish them from other legal experts. The first and foremost being that they specialize in the issue that you are currently facing.
There is one caveat, and that is that many elder law attorneys may only specialize in one specific aspect of elder law.
That means that if you need help filing Medicare claims, you may have to ask a few elder law experts in your city for recommendations on which lawyer would be the best to represent you.
Another benefit that I’ve found while working with my elder law expert is that they are sympathetic to what you’re going through. They deal with clients in the same situation every day and can make sure that your special needs as a senior are taken care of and respected.
Their expertise also comes into play when you need someone that can help you when you may need protection. There are many laws to protect the elderly on both a state and federal level.
In addition to being able to help you get the protection and redress that you need, they are often part of a larger network of social workers, care providers, and other professionals that can aid you or a loved one in a time of need.
Elder abuse is one of the saddest topics I’ve had to learn about in my older years. Elder abuse can be anything from abuse incurred by nursing home staff, family members, or even random strangers.
It can also happen in the workplace if you are still working, with age discrimination or even abuse from co-workers, employers, and customers. Many federal laws, such as the Elder Justice Act, place hefty fines on senior care facilities that engage in abusive practices towards elders.
Even if you aren’t a senior, you may still need the aid of an elder law expert. One common example is if your parent, grandparent, or loved one suffers from dementia and is unable to engage with an expert on their own.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients tend to be the demographic most vulnerable to abuse, and often have to rely on their children or spouses to seek help when they are in abusive circumstances.
If you or a loved one are being abused, you should seek help immediately. There are elder law specialists in your area who can help get you the assistance and care that you need.
Although not really a special product for seniors it is still advised to use a lawyer that is familiar with the things seniors need.
Elderly And Lawyers – My Opinion
I strongly believe that it is importatn to find a lawyer that has knowledge of laws that are made specially to protect and help seniors in their way to or after their retirement.
Thing as a will or other things that can have a legal impact on your heritage should be discussed and taken care of.
Eddie Vandam
Eddie Vandam, the voice behind the Senior Citizen Website, is a retired internet marketer and proud senior. With a passion for helping fellow seniors navigate the complexities of aging, Eddie shares his insights on health, independence, products, and enriching hobbies. He’s committed to making senior years both fulfilling and enjoyable. Read more about Eddie Vandam.